Okay, so you've found "THE One" and you're about to propose.
This is definitely one of the most important days of your life. In order for your proposal to go as smooth as silk, here are some things to avoid followed by a few pearls of wisdom:

Blab to the whole world that you are planning on proposing before you actually do. Odds are your "surprise" proposal will not be a surprise for long. And it will save you a lot, a looooot of embarrassing face time if she happens to say "no."

Ask permission from "the parents." She will appreciate the tradition and sentiment behind the action. Other than that there should only be a handful of people that know of the proposal beforehand.

Propose without a ring. Not sure what TYPE of ring to get her? Don't be overwhelmed. We're here to help. We've got something for every budget and if you're still not sure – you can't go wrong with a simple solitaire presentation mounting. Then you can come back in together to trade in that mounting towards whatever her heart desires.

propose to your special lady with the engagement ring tied to a bouquet of festive balloons. With all the excitement we wouldn't want to see those balloons slip through some sweaty fingers and float forever off into the abyss.

Create your proposal in an environment where the ring won't accidentally fly into the depths of the ocean, off the side of the cliff or get eaten by the dog.

Hide the ring in her spaghetti. There's a high possibility that she'll eat it. Yes, it will be quite the knee slapper later when you re-tell the story but it won't be tickling anyone's funny bone (or esophagus) at that moment.

Keep the ring out of anything, ANYthing that she might ingest unless it's painfully obvious that a sparkling bobble is there.

Stop in the middle of your proposal to catch the final score of the game on your smart phone.

Keep your phone, fully charged and within reach (just not in your hand or within eyeball reach) to spread the good news to family, loved ones, Facebook and into the "Twitter-sphere."

Panic if you rip your pants while on bended knee. Just keep a steady gaze into her sparkling eyes and continue on with your proposal.

Bring an extra pair of pants in case of an emergency. You can change your pants while she gushes to her mother, sister and best friend.

Presume she will say yes. You must actually ask her. "Presuming" can be quite dangerous and must especially be avoided before going for an all out public announcement of your desire to spend eternity with her at say, a nationally televised basketball game or before organizing a fantastical flash mob.

Discuss your futures together and the possibility of spending your "forever I do's" with each other before consulting your list of buddies that owe you favors and get the ball rolling on your epic flash mob, jumbotron consultation or choreographed dolphin routine proposal.

Joke about getting married. "Just kidding!" proposals are NOT funny. Avoid them unless you enjoy painfully awkward moments and the possibility of ruining a friendship.

Keep your proposal real, sweet, simple and sincere. It's a moment you will share, re-live and re-tell for years to come.